Thursday, December 16, 2010

Caesari renuntiatur Helvetiis esse in animo per agrum Sequanorum et Haeduorum iter in Santonum fines facere, qui non longe a Tolosatium finibus absunt, quae civitas est in provincia. [2] Idsi fieret, intellegebat magno cum periculo provinciae futurum ut homines bellicosos, populi Romaniinimicos, locis patentibus maximeque frumentariis finitimos haberet. [3] Ob eas causas ei munitioniquam fecerat T. Labienum legatum praeficit; ipse in Italiam magnis itineribus contendit duasque ibilegiones conscribit et tres, quae circum Aquileiam hiemabant, ex hibernis educit et, qua proximumiter in ulteriorem Galliam per Alpes erat, cum his quinque legionibus ire contendit. [4] Ibi Ceutroneset Graioceli et Caturiges locis superioribus occupatis itinere exercitum prohibere conantur.Compluribus his proeliis pulsis ab Ocelo, quod est citerioris provinciae extremum, infines Vocontiorum ulterioris provinciae die septimo pervenit; inde in Allobrogum fines, abAllobrogibus in Segusiavos exercitum ducit. Hi sunt extra provinciam trans Rhodanum primi.

11. Helvetii iam per angustias et fines Sequanorum suas copias traduxerant et in Haeduorum fines pervenerant eorumque agros populabantur. [2] Haedui, cum se suaque ab iis defendere non possent, legatos ad Caesarem mittunt rogatum auxilium: [3] ita se omni tempore de populo Romano meritosesse ut paene in conspectu exercitus nostri agri vastari, liberi [eorum] in servitutem abduci, oppidaexpugnari non debuerint. Eodem tempore  Haedui Ambarri, necessarii et consanguinei Haeduorum, Caesarem certiorem faciunt sese depopulatis agris non facile ab oppidis vim hostiumprohibere. [4] Item Allobroges, qui trans Rhodanum vicos possessionesque habebant, fuga se adCaesarem recipiunt et demonstrant sibi praeter agri solum nihil esse reliqui. [5] Quibus rebusadductus Caesar non expectandum sibi statuit dum, omnibus, fortunis sociorum consumptis, inSantonos Helvetii pervenirent.

12. Flumen est Arar, quod per fines Haeduorum et Sequanorum in Rhodanum influit, incredibililenitate, ita ut oculis in utram partem fluat iudicari non possit. Id Helvetii ratibus ac lintribus iunctistransibant. [2] Ubi per exploratores Caesar certior factus est tres iam partes copiarum Helvetios idflumen traduxisse, quartam vero partem citra flumen Ararim reliquam esse, de tertia vigilia cumlegionibus tribus e castris profectus ad eam partem pervenit quae nondum flumen transierat. [3] Eosimpeditos et inopinantes adgressus magnam partem eorum concidit; reliqui sese fugae mandaruntatque in proximas silvas abdiderunt. [4] Is pagus appellabatur Tigurinus; nam omnis civitas Helvetiain quattuor pagos divisa est. [5] Hic pagus unus, cum domo exisset, patrum nostrorum memoriaL. Cassium consulem interfecerat et eius exercitum sub iugum miserat. [6] Ita sive casu sive consiliodeorum immortalium quae pars civitatis Helvetiae insignem calamitatem populo Romano intulerat,ea princeps poenam persolvit. [7] Qua in re Caesar non solum publicas, sed etiam privatas iniuriasultus est, quod eius soceri L. Pisonis avum, L. Pisonem legatum, Tigurini eodem proelio quo Cassiuminterfecerant.


  1. absunt- 3rd person singular present active indicative of absare / to be missing
  2. haberet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of habere / to have
  3. contendit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of contendere / to contend
  4. possent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
  5. faciunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of facere / to build
  6. habebant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of habere / to have
  7. recipiunt- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of recipiere / to return
  8. demonstrant- 3rd person plural present active indicative of demonstrare / to demonstrate
  9. est- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Caesar 1.12

Est- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be
Influit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of influere / to flow
Possit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of posse / to be able
Traduxisse- perfect active infinitive of traducere / to be carried over to him
Esse- present active infinitive of esse / to be
Transibant- 3rd person plural imperfect active infinitive of transire / to go over
Traduxisse- prefect active infinitive of traducere / to be carried dover to him
Pervenit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of pervenire / to come up
Transierat- 3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of transire / to go over
Concidit- 3rd person perfect active indicative of concidere / to fall together
Mandarunt- 3rd person plural perfect active indicative of mandare / to put in hand
Abdiderunt- 3rd person plural perfect active indicative of abdere / to put away
Appellebatur- 3rd person singular imperfect passive indicative of appellare / to address
Exisset- 3rd person singular pluperfect active subjunctive of exire / to exit
Interfecerat- 3rd person singular pluperfect active indicative of interficere / to destroy
Miserat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of mittere / to let go
Persolvit- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of persolvere / to solve
Interfecerant- 3rd person plural pluperfect active indicative of interficere / to destroy

The Arar River, which flows through the Aedui and Sequani territories into the Rhone River, is incredibly sluggish, in such a way it cannot be seen by the eye.  The Helvetti crossed over with rafts and canoes and closed ranks.  When Caesar was told by spies that there were three parts of the Helvetti's forces crossing over, and that the fourth genuine part had not crossed the est side of the Arar River, he set out with three legions from the military encampment and found the fourth part at their camp.  He ensnared and supposed approaching the large part at dawn; 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

  1. A.D.
  2. a.m.-
  3. c.-
  4. C.V.-
  5. et. al.-
  6. etc.-
  7. e.g.-
  8. i.a.-
  9. i.e.-
  10. lb.-
  11. M.A.-
  12. per cent-
  13. Ph.D.-
  14. P.S.-
  15. REG-
  16. R.I.P.-
  17. s.o.s.-
  18. vs.-
  19. LL.B.-
  20. M.O.-
  21. N.B.-
  22. D.V.-
  23. id-
  24. nem-
  25. Re.-

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Caesar Gallic Wars 1.11

traduxerant- 3rd person plural pluperfect active indicative of truduxere / to be carried to him
pervenerant- 3rd person plural pluperfect active indicative of pervenere / to rise up
populabantur- 3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of populare / to ravage
defendere- present active infinitive of defendere / to repel
possent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
mittunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of mittere / to let go
esse- present active infinitive of esse / to be

Ab. Check

A.D.- anno domini, in the Year of our Lord
a.m- anno merinian, before midday
et al- et alii, and the rest
etc.- et cetera, and the rest
e.g- ex gerunt, for example
i.e- in et, including but not limited to
M.A.- Masterius Artus, Master of the Arts
M.O.- Masterius Opus, Master
Ph.D- Philistsrate Docturus, Doctor
RIP- a prayer for the dead/ Rest in Peace
vs- versus, against

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010


  1. ID and translate Latin on US currency
  2. Choose 12 coins and translate

All coins and the dollar bill- Out of many, one

Dollar Bill- 
  • Annuit Coeptis- He approves our undertakings
  • Novus Ordo Seclorum- New Order of the Age