Monday, August 31, 2009

Who? Julius Caesar

Most people know that Julius Caesar was a powerful leader in the Roman Empire in the 60-50's BC. However, he also became the head of the family at age 16, when his father died without any apparent cause. When he went to war for the first time, he served under Thermus and Isauricus. He won the Civic Crown for distinguishing himself in the siege Mytilene. During 63 BC, Caesar had the optimate senator, Rabirius, tried for a murder committed 37 years prior. He appointed himself to be a judge at the trial. He found him guilty of treason. Caesar ran for the chief judge, also in 63 BC, and won. He also became the imperator. In his first consulship, the election between Caesar, Lucceius, and Bibulus, the entire election was made up of bribes and more bribes. He also formed the first triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. This was an example of his leadership skills, as Crassus and Pompey had a disagreement that it seems no one but Caesar could have fixed. Julius Caesar had one of the most massive and successful conquests in history, and that only fed his thirst for power. After thinking that he had defeated all of Gaul, part of the nation revolted under a leader, Vercingetorix. Caesar defeated him and ruled all of Gaul. Pompey wanted to rule, and was jealous of Caesar. He had the Senate force Caesar out of the country without his troops. However, Caesar then went against what the government said and brought his troops into Italy. This resulted in a 4-year civil war, with people with Caesar or with Pompey. Pompey was killed when he fled to Egypt, and Caesar ruled. This war was when Caesar started the phrase "Veni, vidi, vici". Caesar, although he was a dictator, was fair and just to his people. He tried to make laws for the common good, and seemed to be almost without err. However, the Senate thought that he was a threat to them and, along with Brutus, murdered Caesar on the Ides of March, 44BC.