Thursday, December 17, 2009

When? The Bronze Age

2000-1700 BC: Mycenean move onto mainland Greece
1200: The Trojan War and the fall of Myceniean
1150: The Dorian immigrate to mainland Greece
1100: Aoelian immigration to Asia Minor

Vocab Quiz!

  1. Amare-
  2. Cogito-
  3. Dare-
  4. Famae-
  5. Nautae-
  6. Patriae-
  7. Agricolae-
  8. Filiae-
  9. Basium-
  10. Donum-
  11. Sanus-
  12. Culpare-
  13. Deae-
  14. Tyrannus-
  15. Amor-
  16. Virtus-
  17. Novus-
  18. Homo-
  19. Salvere-
  20. Vitium-

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


  1. Jingle Bells

Nives, glacies, nox puertia!
Risus decet nunc, decent carmina!
Laetos iuvat nos ire per agros!
Traha fert velociter, cachinemus nos!
Tinniat, tinniat, tintinnabulum!
Labimur in glacie post equum curtum!
Tinniat, tinniat, tintinnabulum!
Labimur in glacie post equum curtum!

  1. Deck the Halls

Aquafolia ornatis
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Tempus hoc hilaritatis
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Vestes claras induamus;
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Cantilenas nunc promamus
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

  1. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Reno erat Rudolphus
Nasum rubrum habebat;
Si quando hunc videbas,
Hunc candere tu dicas.

Omnes renores alii
Semper hunc deridebant;
Cum misero Rudolpho
In ludis non ludebant.

Santus Nicholas dixit
Nocte nebulae,
"Rudolphe, naso claro
Nonne carum tu duces?"

Tum renores clambant,
"Rudolphe, delectus es?
Cum naso rubro claro
Historia descendes!"

The 12 Days of Christmas

Primo die Natalis amator dedit mi
perdicem in piro.

S'cunda die Natalis amator dedit me
d'os turtures et perdicem in piro.

Tertia die Natalis amator dedit mi
tres gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem
in piro.

Quarta die Natalis amator dedit mi
quattuor aves, tres gallinas, d'os
turtures et perdicem in piro.

Quinta die Natalis amator dedit mi
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem in

Sexta die Natalis amator dedit mi
sex anseres, quinque anulos, quattuor
aves, tres gallinas, d'os turtures et
perdicem in piro.

Sept'ma die Natalis amator dedit mi
septem cygnos nantes, sex anseres,
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas d'os turtures et perdicem in

Octava die Natalis amator dedit mi
octo quae mulgent, septem cygnos
nantes, sex anseres, quinque anulos,
quattuor aves, tres gallinas, d'os
turtures et perdicem in piro.

Nona die Natalis amator dedit mi
novem salt'trices, octo quae mulgent,
septem cygnos nantes, sex anseres,
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem in

Dec'ma die Natalis amator dedit mi
decem salt'tores, novem salt'trices, octo
quae mulgent, septem cygnos nantes,
sex anseres, quinque anulos, quattuor
aves, tres gallinas, d'os turtures et
perdicem in piro.

Undec'ma die Natalis amator dedit me
undecim tibic'nes, decem salt'tores,
novem salt'trices, octo quae mulgent,
septem cygnos nantes, sex anseres,
quinque anulos, quattuor aves, tres
gallinas, d'os turtures et perdicem in

Duodec'ma die Natalis amator dedit mi
d'odecim qui pulsant, undecim
tibic'nes, decem salt'tores, novem
salt'trices, octo quae mulgent, septem
cygnos nantes, sex anseres, quinque
anulos, quattuor aves, tres gallinas, d'os
turtures et perdicem in piro.

  1. Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Angeli canunt praecones
Nuper natum Dominum,
Pacem nobis, veniamque
Erga genus humanum.
Gentes surgite gaudentes,
Cum caelicolis canentes
Dei Filium, Regem,
Natum iam in Bethlehem:
Ecce, canunt angeli
Gloriam novo Regi!

Christus, adoratus caelo,
In aeternum Dominus,
Sero ad nos, en, advenit,
Virginis idem partus:
Homo fieri dignate,
Ave, Deus incarnate!
Iesu, placuit tibi
Nobiscum sic morari:
Ecce, canunt angeli
Gloriam novo Regi!

Pacis o caelestis Princeps,
Probitatis Sol, prodis,
Lucem, vitam cunctis ferens
Salutaribus alis.
Splendorem deposuisti,

Vitam aeternam tulisti,
Levaturus mortales,
Ut bis natos nos praestes:
Ecce, canunt angeli
Gloriam, novo Regi!

  1. Joy to the World

Iam mundus Dominum
Dum omnia
In corda nos
Accipimus illum.

  1. O Come All Ye Fathful

Adeste Fideles

Laeti triumphantes

Venite, venite in Bethlehem

Natum videte

Regem angelorum

Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus,

Venite adoremus, Dominum

Cantet nunc io

Chorus angelorum

Cantet nunc aula caelestium

Gloria, gloria

In excelsis Deo

Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus,

Venite adoremus, Dominum

Ergo qui natus

Die hodierna

Jesu, tibi sit gloria

Patris aeterni

Verbum caro factus

Venite adoremus, Venite adoremus,

Venite adoremus, Dominum

Pasted from <>

  1. Silent Night

Tranquilla nox! Sancta nox!
Dormit mundus; nulla vox
Iam auditur; in stabulo
Maria et Ioseph cum puero
Qui dormit placide.
Qui dormit placide.

Tranqilla nox! Sancta nox!
Ad pastores iam venit velox
Illud verbum ex angelis--
"Alleluia, nunc adis,
Christe, Redemptor tu!
Christe, Redemptor tu!"

Tranquilla nox! Sancta nox!
Fili Dei, quanta mox
Caritas lucet ex ore tuo:
Gratiae tempus adest mundo,
Cum natus sis, Domine!
Cum natus sis, Domine!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Who? Archimedes

Archimedes was an ancient Greek
mathematician, physicist, engineer,
inventor,and astronomer. He was a leading scientist in his days, and was responsible forexplaining the lever and many inventions. He gave a very accurate approximation of
pi. He figured out that you could find out
the density of something by placing the object in water.
He also invented a revolving screw/cylinder that was
pumped by hand to move water uphill. It is still used. He
invented a weapon that lifted enemy ships up in the air andsunk them, which has been proved to work. He showed
us many things that help us live our lives today.

Famous Woman #9

Antigone was a princess. She should have had a great life, but unfortunately, that life was not what not in the cards for her. Her mother committed suicide, and her father gouged his own eyes out. Antigone traveled with her father, and became his eyes. When her father died, Antigone's uncle, Creon, became their guardian. Her brothers started fighting over the kingdom when they were growing up, and eventually killed each other. Creon now ruled, and he wanted to leave Antigone's brother's body out to rot. He also ordered that whoever tried to bury it would be killed. Antigone, who is in love with her cousin (Creon's son), decides to go bury her brother. She buries him, but a guard sees her and reports her to Creon. Antigone is sentenced to death by stoning, and before that can happen, she kills herself. Her cousin that she is betrothed to sees her dead, and kills himself. Then Creon's wife, when finding out her son is dead, kills herself.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Who? Aristotle

Aristotle was a student of Plato, a philosopher, and the teacher of Alexander the Great. He was a teacher of physics, theater, logic, politics, biology, and other subjects. He heavily influenced our code of ethics nowadays. He also influenced the Catholic Church. Only one third of his work survived, but the remaining work is used all the time in education and study of his subjects.

Why? Plato's Name

Plato's name was not originally Plato. Originally his name was Aristocles, after his grandfather. When he was young, his wrestling coach named him Platon. Platon means broad, which was relating to his large frame. Other sources say that of was because of is broad forehead.

Where? Pantheon

The Pantheon was originally a place to worship all of the Roman gods and goddesses. Marcus Agrippa built it and dedicated it to the gods. Ever since the Renaissance, the Pantheon was used for burials. Now, the Pantheon is still a Catholic church, where masses are celebrated to this day.

When? Commodus- Last of Rome

180- Commodus succeeds the throne
305- Constantine is the first Christian emperor
380- Christianty is declared to only Roman religion
410- The Visgoths sack Rome
455- The Vandals sack Rome

What? Famous Woman #8

Andromeda was a princess in mythology. Her mother, the queen of Ethiopia, said that she was more beautiful than a nymph. To punish her, all of Ethiopia was going to be ravaged by Cetus, a sea monster sent by Poseidon. When the king asked an oracle how to stop it, they told him that they had to sacrifice their daughter, Andromeda. Her parents chained her to a rock naked, and waited for Cetus to eat her. The hero Perseus saw this happening, killed, Cetus, and rescued Andromeda. They got married, and went on to have seven sons and one daughter.

Who? Plato

Plato is a Greek philosopher and mathematician. He also founded he Academy in Athens. His mentor was Socrates, and his student was Aristotle. His thoughts are the foundation of natural philosophy and science today. He was affected deeply by his teacher's death, which he considered extremely unfair. He studied metaphysics, epistemology, and government, among other things. He influenced the way we think about the world and society now, and was a huge part of shaping math, science, and philosophy.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Check: Part 2

Part II

Please ID and parse 20 verbs (of your choice) from chapters 5 and 6 Sententiae.
Reminder on parsing: Laudo = 1st person sing present active indicative of 'laudare' meaning 'to praise'

  1. sustinebis- 2nd person singular future active indicative of sustinere / to sustain
  2. remanebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of remanere / to remain
  3. amat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of amare / to love
  4. videbatis- 2nd person plural imperfect active indicative of videre / to see
  5. cura- imperitive form of curare / to take care of
  6. es- 2nd person singular present active indicative of esse / to exist
  7. habebo- 1st person singular future active indicative of habere / to have
  8. manebunt- 3rd person plural future active indicative of manere / to stay
  9. culpabit- 3rd person singular future active indicative of culpare / to blame
  10. erat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of esse / to exist
  11. gustare- infinitive form of gustare / to taste
  12. vitam- 1st person singular present active indicative of vitare / to live
  13. esse- infinitive form of esse / to exist
  14. erit- 3rd person singular of esse / to exist
  15. vitia- imperative form of vitare / to live
  16. culpant- 3rd person plural present active indicative of culpare / to blame
  17. potest- 3rd person singular present active indicative of possere / to be able
  18. erat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of esse / to exist
  19. erat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of esse / to exist
  20. potest- 3rd person singular present active indicative of possere / to be able

Part III

Please translate the story of the Rape of Lucretia (Page 47)

Tarquinius, the king of Rome, and Tarquinius the 6th was the son of the evil tyrant. Lucretiam the 6th, who's wife was Collatini, was raped, a good woman, because of her great love of virtue, killed herself. Ancient Romans always praise the virtue and heart of Lucretiae and blame Tarquinios.

When finished, please work on your blog; I would like you to visit the 'Heroes' page at the Walters (in preparation for our Jan 16th field trip), find out what hero you would be, and research the depiction of that hero in art. What clothes, weapons, other attributes always identifies the hero (for example, if my hero was Superman, I'd say: blue tights, red cape, big letter 's'!)

Check: Part 1

Give the complete paradigms for the following:


1. Present Ind Act
2. Imperfect Ind Act
3. Future Ind Act

1. Laudo

2. Laudabam

3. Laudabo


1. Present Ind Act
2. Imperfect Ind Act
3. Future Ind Act

1. Moneo

2. Monebam

3. Monebim


1. Present Ind Act
2. Imperfect Ind Act
3. Future Ind Act

1. Sum

2. Eram

3. Ero


1. Present Ind Act
2. Imperfect Ind Act
3. Future Ind Act

1. Possum

2. Poteram

3. Potero

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1. valebant= 3rd person plural imperfect indicative of valere / be strong
videre= present active infinitive of videre / to see
poteramus= 1st person plural imperfect indicative of possere / to be able

2. satiare= present active infinitive of satiare / to satisfy
poterit= 3rd person singular future indicative of possere / to be able

3. poterant= 3rd person plural imperfect indicative of possere / to be able
monere= present active infinitive of monere / to advise

4. remanere= present active infinitive of remanere / to remain
poterit= 3rd person singular future indicative of possere / to be able

5. vocabit= 3rd person singular future indicative of vocare / to summon

6. cogitabant= 3rd person plural imperfect indicative of cogitare / to think

7. habebimus= 1st person plural future indicative of habere / to have

8. erant= 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to exist

9. manebit= 3rd person singular future indicative of manere / to remain

10. superare= present active infinitive of superare / conquer

1. erat= 3rd person singular imperfect infinitive of esse / to exist