Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1. valebant= 3rd person plural imperfect indicative of valere / be strong
videre= present active infinitive of videre / to see
poteramus= 1st person plural imperfect indicative of possere / to be able

2. satiare= present active infinitive of satiare / to satisfy
poterit= 3rd person singular future indicative of possere / to be able

3. poterant= 3rd person plural imperfect indicative of possere / to be able
monere= present active infinitive of monere / to advise

4. remanere= present active infinitive of remanere / to remain
poterit= 3rd person singular future indicative of possere / to be able

5. vocabit= 3rd person singular future indicative of vocare / to summon

6. cogitabant= 3rd person plural imperfect indicative of cogitare / to think

7. habebimus= 1st person plural future indicative of habere / to have

8. erant= 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to exist

9. manebit= 3rd person singular future indicative of manere / to remain

10. superare= present active infinitive of superare / conquer

1. erat= 3rd person singular imperfect infinitive of esse / to exist

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