Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chapter 11 Vocab

caput, capitis- n. head; leader; beginning; life; heading; chapter (capitol, captain)
consul, consulis- m. consul
nemo, nullius, nemini, neminem, nullo, nulla- m. or f. no one; nobody
ego, mei- I (egotistical)
tu, tui- you
is, ea, id- this, that, he, she, it
idem, eadem, idem- the same (identical, identity)
amicus, -a, -um- friendly (amicable, amiable)
carus, -a, -um- dear (caress, charity, cherish)
quod- conj. because
necque, nec- conj. and not; nor neque... neque or nec... nec- neither... nor
autem- postpositive conj. however; morever
bene- adv. of bonus well, satisfactory, quite (benefit, benefactor)
etiam- adv. even; also
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectum- to understand (intelligent, intellect)
mitto, mittere, misi, missum- to send; let go (admit, commit)
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum- to feel; percieve; think; experience (assent, consent)

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