Thursday, April 28, 2011

7.8 Check

His rebus comparatis, represso iam Lucterio et remoto, quod intrare intra praesidia periculosum putabat, in Helvios proficiscitur. Etsi mons Cevenna, qui Arvernos ab Helviis discludit, durissimo tempore anni altissima nive iter impediebat, tamen discussa nive sex in altitudinem pedum atque ita viis patefactis summo militum sudore ad fines Arvernorum pervenit. Quibus oppressis inopinantibus, quod se Cevenna ut muro munitos existimabant, ac ne singulari quidem umquam homini eo tempore anni semitae patuerant, equitibus imperat, ut quam latissime possint vagentur et quam maximum hostibus terrorem inferant. Celeriter haec fama ac nuntiis ad Vercingetorigem perferuntur; quem perterriti omnes Arverni circumsistunt atque obsecrant, ut suis fortunis consulat, neve ab hostibus diripiautur, praesertim cum videat omne ad se bellum translatum. Quorum ille precibus per motus castra ex Biturigibus movet in Arveruos versus.

intrare- 2nd person infinitive of intrare / to enter
putabat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of putare / to think
proficiscitur- 3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of proficare / to start
discludit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of discludare / to divide
impediebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of impedere / to block
pervenit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of pervenire / to arrive
existimabant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of existimare / to estimate
patuerant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of patuere / to
imperat- 3rd person singular resent active indicative of imperere / to command
possint- 3rd person plural present active subjunctive of possint / to be able
vagentur- 3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of vagere / to wander
inferant- 3rd person plural present active indicative of inferere / to open
perferuntur- 3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of perfere / to open
circumsistunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of circumsistare / to surround
consulat- 3rd person singular present active indicaive of consulare / to consult
diripiautur- 3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of diripare / to 
videat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of videre / to see
movet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of movere / to move

These things being considered, Lucretius is repressed and forced to retreat because there was danger in entering into enemy lines, he started to march into the country of the Helvi.  Also Mount Cevennes, which divided the Arverni from the Helvi, blocked with a very severe snow season, and they cleared away six feet of snow and the roads were opened and he worked his soldiers to reach the Averni.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Verbs and Translation: 7.8 Caesar

intrare- present infinitive active of intrare / to enter
putabat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of putare / to think
profiscitur- 3rd person singular present passive indicative of profiscare / to start

His rebus= These things being prepared, now Lucterius is repressed and forced to retreat because he thought it was dangerous to enter into the enemy lines, so Caesar started to march into the Helvi's country.

discludit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of discludare / to divide
impediebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of impediere / to block
pervenit- 3rd person singular resent active indicative of pervenire / to arrive

existimabant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of existimare / to estimate 
patuerant- 3rd person plural pluperfect active indicative of patere / to be open

"Although mount Cevennes , which separates the Arverni from the Helvii, blocked up the way with very deep snow, as it was the severest season of the year; yet having cleared away the snow to the depth of six feet, and having opened the roads, he reaches the territories of the Arverni, with infinite labor to his soldiers. "

imperat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of imperere / to command
possint- 3rd person plural present active subjunctive of posse / to be able
vagentur- 3rd person plural present passive subjunctive of vagorare / to wander
inferant- 3rd person plural present active subjunctive of inferare / to introduce

"This people being surprised, because they considered themselves defended by the Cevennes as by a wall, and the paths at this season of the year had never before been passable even to individuals, he orders the cavalry to extend themselves as far as they could, and strike as great a panic as possible into the enemy."

perferuntur- 3rd person plural present passive indicative of perferere / to bring home
circumsistunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of circumsistare / to surround
obsecrat- 3rd person plural present active indicative of obsecrare / to implore
consulat- 3rd person singular present active subjunctive of consulare / to consult
diripiantur- 3rd person plural present passive subjunctive of diripire / to tear
videat- 3rd person singular present active subjunctive of videre / to see

"These proceedings are speedily announced to Vercingetorix by rumor and his messengers. Around him all the Arverni crowd in alarm, and solemnly entreat him to protect their property, and not to suffer them to be plundered by the enemy, especially as he saw that all the war was transferred into their country."

These proceedings were brought home to Vercingetorix by rumor and messengers.  The Averni surrounded him with alrm, and solemnly implore him to protect their property, and not to suffer them to be plundered by the enemy, especially as he saw that the war was transferred into their country. 

movet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of movere / to move

Being prevailed upon by their entreaties he moves his camp from the country of the Bituriges in the direction of the Arverni.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vocab List 4 Check

  1. agnosco- to recognize
  2. ceno- to dine
  3. devaro- to devour
  4. esurio- to be hungry
  5. eo- to go
  6. intro- to enter
  7. narro- to tell
  8. praecipito- to hurl!
  9. pernocto- to spend the night
  10. verto- to turn
  11. animus- soul
  12. caelum- sky
  13. cauda- tail
  14. caupona- inn
  15. homo- man
  16. lectus- bed
  17. manus- hand
  18. pila- ball
  19. brevis- short
  20. fortis- strong
  21. hic- this
  22. medius- middle
  23. nonus- ninth
  24. omnes- everything
  25. periculosis- dangerous
By Hercules!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quiz Practice

  1. animus, -i 
  2. caupo, cauponis
  3. fabula, -ae 
  4. homo, hominis
  5. iocus, -i 
  6. miles, militis
  7. viator, viatoris
  8. fortis, -is
  9. medius, -a -um
  10. narratus, -a -um
  11. obesus, -a, -um
  12. omnis, -is, -e
  13. optimus, -a, -um
  14. periculosus, -a, -um
  15. undecimus, -a, -um
  16. agnosco, -ere, agnovi, agnitis
  17. aperio, aperire,aperui, apertus
  18. custudio, -ire, -ivi. -itus
  19. esurio, esurire, -ivi, -iturus
  20. intro, -are- avi, -atus
  21. ludo, ludere, lusi, lusurus lusurus
  22. neco, -are,-avi, -atus
  23. vigilo, -are, -avi, -atus
  24. antea
  25. numquam

Thursday, April 14, 2011


conciliat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of conciliare / to unite
accipit- 3rd person singular present active indicative
contendit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of contendere / to contend
venisset- 3rd person singular present active indicative of venire / to come
confirmat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of confirmare / to confirm
erant- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be

In the mean time Lucterius Cadurcan goes to the the Rutenus, the province of the Avernis.  He recieves hostages from the Nitobriges and Galbos and gets a big army to go to the province of Narbonem.  Caesar was told of the march of important Narbo.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

7.6 Check

His rebus in Italiam Caesari nuntiatis, cum iam ille urbanas res virtute Cn. Pompei commodiorem in statum pervenisse intellegeret, in Transalpinam Galliam profectus est. Eo cum venisset, magna difficultate adficiebatur, qua ratione ad exercitum pervenire posset. Nam si legiones in provinciam arcesseret, se absente in itinere proelio dimicaturas intellegebat; si ipse ad exercitum contenderet, ne eis quidem eo tempore qui quieti viderentur suam salutem recte committi videbat.

intellegeret- 3rd person singular present active indicative of intellegere / to understand
est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
venisset- 3rd person singular present active indicative of venire / to come
pervenire- present active infinitive of pervenire / to arrive
posset- 3rd person singular present active indicative of posse / to be able
arcesseret- 3rd person singular present active indicative of arcessare / to call
intellegebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of intellegere / to understand
contenderat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of contenere / to reach
viderentur- 2nd person singular present active indicative of videre / to see
videbat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of videre / to see

urbs, urbanis- city
exercita, exercitam- army
legiona, legionam- legions
provincia, proviniam- province
itinera, itineram- journey

These things being announced to Caesar in Italy, when now he understood that affairs in Rome had been reduced to a more upright state by the efforts of Pompey, he set out for Transalpine Gaul.  After he arrived there, he was at a great loss to ascertain what means he would be able to reach his army.  If he were to summon the legions to the province, then he understood that they would fight without him along their journey, but if he tried to reach the army himself, he would be trusting his safety to those who only seemed to be with him.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


nuntiatis- 2nd person plural present active indicative of nuntiare / to announce
intelligeret- 3rd person singular present active indicative of intelligere / to understand
est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
posset- 3rd person singular present active indicative of posse / to be able
itiniere- present active infinitive of itinere / to journey

Being announced to Caesar in Italy, he understood that affairs in Rome had been reduced to a more tranquil state by the manliness of Pompey, he went Transalpine Gaul.  He realized that it was very difficult to get to his troops.

Italia, Italiae- Italy
Caesar, Caesari- Caesar
urbs, urbanis- city
Transalpina, Transalpinae- Transalpine
Gallia, Galliae- Gaul

intellegebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of intellegere / to understand
contenderet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of contendere / to contend
viderentur- 2nd person singular present passive indicative of videre / to see
videbat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of videre / to see

If he were to bring the army to his province, he understood that they would have to fight without him on their journey, he also understood that if he would try to reach the army, he would be trusting his life in people that seemed to be stable.

provincia, provinciae- province
exercitum, exercitus- army

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Caesar 7.6

nuntiatus- 2nd person plural present active indicative of nuntiare / to announce
pervenisse- perfect active infinitive of pervenire /to arrive
intelligeret- 3rd person singular imperfect active subjunctive of intelligere / to understand
venisset- 3rd person singular pluperfect active subjunctive of venio / to come
est- 3rd person singular of esse / to be
venisset- 3rd person plural, pluperfect active subjunctive / to come 
adficiebatur- 3rd person singular imperfect passive indicative of adfeci / to affect
arcesseret- 3rd person singular, imperfect active subjunctive of arcessere meaning to send for
intellegebat- 3rd person singular, imperfect active indicative of intellegere meaning to understand 

res, rei- a thing
Italia, Italiae- Italy
Caesar, Caesari- Caesar
res, rei- a thing
virtus, virtutis- strength
status, statis- station
Transalpinus, Transalpina- transalpine
Gallia, Galliam- Gaul
profectus, profecti- advance
ratio, rationis- account 
exercitus, exercitus- army 
legio, legionis- legion, army 
provincia, provinciae- province 
iter, itineris- journey 
proelium, proeli- battle, fight 

This event was announced to Caesar in Italy, and by Pompey the city was made more tranquil, he went to Gaul.  After he was there, he was at a loss to know how he could reach his army. 
