Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Summary of Caesar Gallic Wars 1.1-1.14

1.1- There are three tribes: the Aquitani, the Belgae, and the Gauls.  The Belgae are the bravest and wage war almost daily against the Germanic tribes.

1.2- Orgetorix convinced the Helvetti to move and try to conquer all of Gaul.

1.3- The Helvetti listened to Orgetorix and prepared to leave.  Orgetorix becomes the leader, and makes an alliance with Casticus.  Orgetorix wanted to be the sole ruler of Gaul.

1.4- The Helvetti found out about his plan and tried Orgetorix.  He sent a lot of soldiers out to intimidate people, and then committed suicide.

1.5- The Helvetti still wanted to leave, so when they were ready to go they burnt down their villages.  They convinced their neighbors to do the same and come with them.  They then attacked Noreia.

1.6- There were two paths to take, one across a mountain that was very steep and narrow, but where no one could attack them, and one through the provinces.  They decided that they either needed to either convince or force the Allabroges to surrender to them.

1.7- Caesar came over to where the Helvetti were and got armies from Geneva to stop the Helvetti.  The Helvetti said that they meant no harm, but Caesar didn't want to let them go through.  However, he made them wait until his troops got there before saying no.

1.8- While Caesar was waiting for his troops, he had the men with him build a wall between them and the Helvetti.  He had people guard it to keep anyone from getting through.  When an ambassador came over, he refused to let him cross the border, and if they tried, he would oppose them with force.  The Helvetti tried crossing with boats, the Romans held them at bay.

1.9- The only way through was through the Sequani, and they had to get the Sequani's permission.  The leader of the Sequani, Dumnorix, wanted a revolution and needed other states to like him, so he gave them permission to pass.

1.10- Caesar found out that the Helvetti were going through the Sequani, and thought that they were dangerous to his people if they crossed into his territory.  He took 5 legions to the place where the Helvetti would leave the Alps, and would obstruct any army that tried to pass.

1.11- The Helvetti made it through most of their journey and came upon the Aedui, and attacked and ravaged their village.  The Aedui and ther neighbors sent pleas to Caesar, asking him to help them.  Caesar decided that he couldn't wait for the Helvetti to come to him anymore, he had to go attack them.

1.12- The Helvetti crossed the Saone River.  Three parts of the tribe crossed the river, and Caesar attacked the one part left.  He killed a lot of them because they were loaded down by baggage.

1.13- Caesar built a bridge and caught up to the Helvetti.  They said that if he made peace, they would stay where they were, but if he chose to fight, they would knock off his army one canton at a time.

1.14- Caesar said that he would only be able to let the Helvetti stay if he got hostages in return for the awful crimes they had committed.  Divico refused and withdrew.

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