Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ab. Check

A.D.- anno domini, in the Year of our Lord
a.m- anno merinian, before midday
et al- et alii, and the rest
etc.- et cetera, and the rest
e.g- ex gerunt, for example
i.e- in et, including but not limited to
M.A.- Masterius Artus, Master of the Arts
M.O.- Masterius Opus, Master
Ph.D- Philistsrate Docturus, Doctor
RIP- a prayer for the dead/ Rest in Peace
vs- versus, against

1 comment:

  1. a.m.- Ante Meridiem
    C.V.- cirriculum vitae, the course of life
    e.g- exempli gratia
    i.e- id est, that is
    MA- Magister Artium
    MO- modus operandi, method of operating
    NB- note bene, note well
    Ph.D.- (PhilosophiƦ Doctor), "Teacher of Philosophy"
    Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum) means "which was to be demonstrated"
    R.I.P. (requiescat in pace)
