Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Part Three and Four: Translation... this ought to go well...

Paragraph 11
The Helvetti have now gone through the narrow passage and crossed the Sequani boundary into the Aedui boundary.  When Caesar went into the Aedui territory with 100 men, he was going as an ambassador to bequeath assistance and defend them: the population and fields have been ravaged, free children from the town had been carried off into slavery to pay what they owed.  The same would inevitably happen to the kinsmen of the Aedui.  So Caesar would restrain the enemies of Rome from coming into the Aedui's village and plundering.  Also Caesar, who had crossed from the Allobroge's village across the Rhode, left his surplus of food behind besides things to plant in fields.  What had lead up to Caesar setting up, all men, was being consumed by chance, that had come into the Helvetti.

Paragraph 12
The Arar River flowed, in respect to the Aedui and Sequani boundaries and flowed into the Rhode, with incredible smoothness, which allowed judgment and insight, which were the reasons for the water.  The Helvetti joined boats and rafts together to get across the river.  Where the three spies for the Helvetti went across into parts, Caesar found them writing letters to the Helvetti, and Caesar made them tell the truth and go to the other side of the river.  The third legion was guarding the castle in military camp when people crossed over the river.  The hindered their approach with a full attack, which cut them down; the remaining ran away into the closest forest.  The Tiguri were called upon, which were part of the divided Helvetti who lived in Switzerland.  This country district was alone, but was soon subdued and put under control, in the memory of when Cassium was the consul in which the army was not exercised and the people were sad.  Thus, they overthrew the immortal, which the Swiss Helvetti were conspicuous as a community when they lost, which was a penalty they had to pay.  Caesar, byt the Sun, confiscated the public and private of the inferior, in the reign of Pisonem, in which he killed the Tiguri.

Paragraph 5
After his death, the Helvetti attempted to continue with their plan; they marched across the boundary out of the territory.  When they were prepared, they counted their twelve towns and and their 400 villages and their private houses; the destroyed all of the surplus grain that they did not carry and ordered everyone to carry 3 month's food because of danger.  They convinced their neighbors Rauracis and Tulingis and Latobrigis to go before them alone, and they took the towns and villages in control and departed to use the land.  They traveled across the Rhine to live on the fields and they would attack to keep anyone from coming on and sharing their land. 

Paragraph 6
Staying with their plan, which planned to leave their homes wit the Sequani, they found it to be difficult, in between the Iuram mountains and the Rhode River, 
Erant omnino itinera duo, quibus itineribus domo exire possent: unum per Sequanos, angustum et difficile, inter montem Iuram et flumen Rhodanum, vix qua singuli carri ducerentur, mons autem altissimus impendebat, ut facile perpauci prohibere possent; alterum per provinciam nostram, multo facilius atque expeditius, propterea quod inter fines Helvetiorum et Allobrogum, qui nuper pacati erant, Rhodanus fluit isque non nullis locis vado transitur. Extremum oppidum Allobrogum est proximumque Helvetiorum finibus Genava. Ex eo oppido pons ad Helvetios pertinet. Allobrogibus sese vel persuasuros, quod nondum bono animo in populum Romanum viderentur, existimabant vel vi coacturos ut per suos fines eos ire paterentur. Omnibus rebus ad profectionem comparatis diem dicunt, qua die ad ripam Rhodani omnes conveniant. Is dies erat a. d. V. Kal. Apr. L. Pisone, A. Gabinio consulibus.

1 comment:

  1. You are getting there. Your translations are very uneven, but you often hit on exactly the right phrasing. Take for instance, "flowed into the Rhode, with incredible smoothness, which allowed judgment and insight, which were the reasons for the water. [[[[The Helvetti joined boats and rafts together to get across the river.]]]] Where the three spies for the Helvetti went across into parts, Caesar found them writing letters to the Helvetti, and Caesar made them tell the truth and go to the other side of the river." In the section I bracketed, you were perfect, but on either side of that it looks like you didn't understand some important vocab and therefore ran into problems.
