Monday, February 28, 2011

Beth's Quiz

  1. baculum--disease
  2. abeo, abire, abivi, abiturus-- to leave
  3. cibus-- food
  4. complexus-- complex
  5. hora, horae-- hour
  6. tamen-- however
  7. mox-- soon
  8. eugepae-- 
  9. venio, venire, veni, veniturus-- to come
  10. taceo, tacere, tacui, facitu-- to quiet
  11. redeo, redire, redivi, rediturus-- to return
  12. nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitus-- to be necessary 
  13. nuntius-- not
  14. gero, gerere, gessi, gestus-- to eat
  15. conspicio, conspicicere, conspexi, conspectus-- to be seen
  16. adhuc- still
  17. laetus, laeta, laetum-- happy
  18. lentus, lenta, lentum-- slow
  19. furtim-- soon
  20. quis--who
  21. tandem-- two
  22. temerarius-- reckless
  23. sollicitus-- worried
  24. timeo, timere, timui-- to terrify
  25. hortus- plants

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