Monday, March 22, 2010

Aphrodite's Descendants

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, seemed to really get around the block. While she was married to Hephaestus, the ugliest god who happened to work in nothing but jewels all day, she had countless children with everyone but him. All of her female children with Poseidon and their offspring made up the population of nymphs. These are some of her more significant children, arranged by father.

Dionysus and Aphrodite
Iacchus- male, an assistant to Demeter

Hermes and Aphrodite
Hermaphroditus- male, the god of hermaphrodites

Ares and Aphrodite
Anteros- male, the god of requited love and the avenger of unrequited love
Harmonia- female, the goddess of marital harmony and harmonious action in battle
Eros- male, the god of love
Deimus and Phobus- twin brothers, gods of fear, dread, terror, and flight from the battlefield

Only Aphrodite
Peitho- female, the goddess of spirit, persuasion, seduction, rape, bridal abduction and charming speech.
The Erotes- a group of gods, the winged gods of love
  • Pothos- male, the god of sexual yearning
  • Hermaphroditus- male, the god of hermaphrodites (father was Hermes)
  • Himerus- male, the god of sexual desire
  • Anteros- male, the god of requited love and the avenger of unrequited love (father was Ares)

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