Monday, March 15, 2010

Current Event

Giotto frescoes in Rome have been "rediscovered" so to speak. Although we have known about these wall paintings for a while now, we have always seen them as a dreary and faded version of their once magnificent selves. That is, until we came up with using ultraviolet light. The light penetrates the first layer, seeing what is underneath without hurting the painting. The term for this is non-invasive diagnostics. This brings out detail that we have never seen before. This artwork from the Early Italian Renaissance in Rome shows how new technology can show us ancient art.

Works Cited
Giotto Frescoes 'rediscovered' in Florence Chapel. BBC. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. .
Photograph. File:Collezione Loeser, Spinello Aretino, Frammento Di Affresco Con San Tommaso 2.jpg. Wikimedia Commons. Web. 15 Mar. 2010. .

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