Friday, May 28, 2010

17, 18, 19, 20 Check

  1. salve- 2nd person singular present active imperative of salvere / to be well
  2. commisi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative of commisare / to commiserate
  3. dixi- 1st person plural perfect active indicative of dicare / to
  4. navigabat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of navigare / to navigate
  5. imminent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of imminere / to impend
  6. vident-3rd person plural present active indicative of videre / to see
  7. vident-3rd person plural present active indicative of videre / to see
  8. negelgunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of neglegere / to neglect
  9. dat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of dare / to
  10. dat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of dare / to
  11. coepit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of coepare / to cooperate
  12. habet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of habere / to have
  13. incipe- 2nd person imperative present active indicative of incipere / to begin
  14. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  15. reposcit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of reposcere / to demand back
  16. dedit- 3rd person plural present active indicative of dare / to
  17. facit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of facere / to make
  18. amat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of amare / to love
  19. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  20. facit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of facere / to make
  21. adiuvat- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of audiere / to hear
  22. vincit-3rd person singular present active indicative of vinere /
  23. vincit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of vinere /
  24. valere- 2nd person infinitive of valere / to be strong
  25. potest- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
  26. amavi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative of amare / to love
  27. periit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of perire / to perish
  28. vive- 2nd person singular present active imperative of vivere / to be strong
  29. facere- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of facere / to make
  30. possunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
  31. potes- 2nd person singular present active indicative of posse / to be able
  32. facere- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of facere / to make

  1. possunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
  2. posse- 2nd person singular present avtive infinitive of posse / to be able
  3. videntur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of videri / to seem
  4. terrentur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of terrare / to terrify
  5. sunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be
  6. teneris- 2nd person singular present active indicative of tenere / to terrify
  7. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  8. potest- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
  9. doceri- 1st person plural perfect active indicative of docere /
  10. erant- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of errare / to err
  11. genere- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of genere /
  12. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  13. admitto- 1st person singular present active indicative of admittare / to admit
  14. saluto- 1st person singular present active indicative of salutare / to greet
  15. veniunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of venere /
  16. scribo- 1st person singular present active indicative of scribare / to write
  17. lego- 1st person singular present active indicative of legare / to build
  18. datur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of dare /
  19. habetur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of habere / to have
  20. misceri- 1st person singular perfect active indicative of miscere / to mix
  21. timore- 2nd person singular present active infiinitve of timore / to put together
  22. potest- 3rd person plural present active indicative of posse / to be able
  23. commiscetur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of commiserare / to commiserate
  24. movetur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of movare / to move
  25. laudatur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of laudare / to praise
  26. laudatur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of laudare / to praise
  27. alget- 3rd person singular present active indicative of algere / to be cold

  1. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  2. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  3. sunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be
  4. facere- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of facere / to make
  5. debemus- 1st person singular present active indicative of debere /
  6. sum- 1st person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  7. vivimus- 1st person singular present active indicative of vivere / to be strong
  8. habemus- 1st person singular present active indicative of habere / to have
  9. videmus- 1st person singular present active indicative of videre / to see
  10. sunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be
  11. tenent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of tenere / to terrify
  12. parantur- 3rd person singular future passive indicative of parare / to prepare
  13. sunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of esse / to be
  14. parare- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of parare / to prepare
  15. poterunt- 3rd person plural future active indicative of posse / to be able

  1. defendunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of defendare / to defend
  2. privavit- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of privare / to deprive
  3. liberavit- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of liberare / to be free

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sententiae and Paragraph from Chapter 20

  1. Stags' horns protect them from danger.
  2. Oedipus's two eyes have deprived him.
  3. Themistocles absolved slavery in the Persian Greek war.
  4. Demosthenes said many verses in one breath.
  5. Persian equipment was hated.
  6. That community feeling is absent.
  7. Senate we deprive one pleasure neither long or away by your death.
  8. No one accused is absent of blame; all men have sinned.
  9. No one can part life to be free from their obligations.
  10. Strength is first absent of fault.
  11. Men free from crime do not need javelin nor bow.
  12. Great cities in time therefore stir up rebellion.

Review Notes 5/27/10

  • Herodotus- Greco-Persian Wars
  • Thucydides- Peloponesian Wars
  • Xenophon- The time of Socrates
  • Aristotle- Encyclopedia
  • Plutarch- Biographies
  • Pausanias- Travel guides
  • Persian Wars take place at the beginning of the 5th century
  • Xerxes starts going up the Western Coast and either killed or recruited the Greek inhabitants
  • Makes his way into Northern Greece
  • Bosphorus-
  • The part of Greece that contains Thessaloniki is Thrace
  • Come down from Thrace-Macedonia-
  • Get stopped at Thermopylae
  • Evacuated Athens in that time
  • Greeks beat the Persians
  • Rebuilt the Acropolis with funding from the League of Athens
  • The wall was constructed of remains of things that had been demolished
  • There is the grove and the theatre of Dionysus
  • Roman theatre put in after the sack of Corinth
  • Temples to Athena Nike
  • Parthenon is a Doric temple
  • It was the center of the city
  • Temple of the Virgin Athena

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Check

1. Identify and parse 5 verbs in the paragraph on page 121
2. Identify and parse 5 verbs in the Cicero paragraph on page 127
3. Translate Sententiae Antiquae #1-3 on page 120
4. Translate Sententiae Antiquae #1-3 on page 126
5. 4 strong reasons why incoming freshman should take Latin.

timet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of timere / to terrify
timetis- 2nd person plural present active indicative of timere / to terrify
mutantur- 3rd person plural present passive indicative of mutare / to be changed
errat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of errare / to err
servat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of servare / to serve

remanent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of remanere / to remain
videbatur- 3rd person singular imperfect passive indicative of videre / to seem
vocatus est- 3rd person singular perfect passive indicative of vocari / to be called
recitavit- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of recitare / to recite

  1. They are able because they seemed to be able.
  2. Even strong men are often terrified by sudden danger.
  3. Your plans are clear to us, you all will have the knowledge of all these citizens.
  1. What is the nature of the soul? It is mortal.
  2. These arguments were seen grave and certain.
  3. What ought we to do against these men and their crimes.
I think that incoming freshman should definitely have the option of taking Latin. Latin has already helped me with my vocabulary, and I can easily connect my English class's vocab unit and and Latin class's vocab to get a better grade in both. For many people, the unusual range of classes draws them to John Carroll, and the offer of Latin as a foreign language is intriguing. I told many of my shadows to take Latin, and most of them seemed very interested. Although it is a small class, which some my consider a detriment to the program, I consider it a good thing. It allows Mr. Wojo to lead class discussions in which we can take part more easily than we could if it was a big class. One of the most important aspects of Latin for me in the community. There are 5 other people besides me in my Latin class, and they are one of the best things about freshmen year. Anytime I had a problem, I knew that I could go to one of them, and they would help me in anyway they could. Although I agree that academics are a huge part of our everyday classes, knowing that you have people that you can go to is something that every freshmen needs. Without some of my friends in this class, I don't know where my self-confidence would be, but they have helped me become someone totally comfortable in high school. Latin class helped this happen, and I feel that having Latin for 3 years will help me on my way to becoming a journalist, and a better person throughout and after high school.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

4 Principle Parts

Amo- 1st person singular present active indicative

Amare- infinitive

Amavi-1st person singular perfect

Amatum- passive participle

Cogito- 1st person singular present active indicative

Cogitare- infinitive

Cogitavi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

Cogitatum- passive participle

Debeo- 1st person singular present active indicative

Debere- infinitive

Debui- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

Debitum- passive participle

Do- 1st person singular present active indicative

Dare- infinitive

Dedi- 1st person singular perfect active infinitive

Datum- passive participle

erro- 1st person singular present active indicative

errare- infinitive

erravi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

erratum- passive participle

laudo- 1st person singular present active indicative

laudare- infinitive

laudavi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

laudatum- passive participle

moneo- 1st person singular present active indicative

monere- infinitive

monui- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

monitum- passive participle

salveo- 1st person singular present active indicative

salvere- infinitive

salve- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

savete- passive participle

servo- 1st person singular present active indicative

servare- infinitive

servavi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

servatum- passive participle

conservo- 1st person singular present active indicative

conservare- infinitive

conservavi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

conservatum- passive participle

terreo- 1st person singular present active indicative

terrere- infinitive

terrui- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

territum- passive participle

valeo- 1st person singular present active indicative

valere- infinitive

valui- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

valiturum- passive participle

video- 1st person singular present active indicative

videre- infinitive

vidi- 1st person singular plural active indicative

visum- passive participle

voco- 1st person singular present active indicative

vocare- infinitive

vocavi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

vocatum- passive participle

habeo- 1st person singular present active indicative

habere- infinitive

habui- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

habitum-passive participle

sum- 1st person singular present active indicative

esse- infinitive

fui- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

fututum- passive participle

remaneo- 1st person singular present active indicative

remanere- infinitive

remansi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

remansum- passive participle

maneo- 1st person singular present active indicative

manere- infinitive

mansi- 1st person singular perfect active indicative

mansum- passive participle

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Check

Find 10 passive verbs and parse them.
  1. videntur- 3rd person plural present passive indicative of videor / to be seen
  2. terrentur-3rd person plural present passive indicative of terrere / to terrify
  3. teneris- 2nd person singular present passive indicative of tenere / to terrify
  4. teneor- 1st person singular present passive indicative of of tenere / to terrify
  5. datur- 3rd person singular present passive indicative of dare / to have
  6. igitur- 3rd person singular present passive indicative of jugare / to bring together
  7. habetur- 3rd person singular present passive indicative of habere / to hold
  8. commiscetur- 3rd person singular present passive indicaive of commisere / to commiserate
  9. movetur- 3rd person singular present passive indicaive of movere / to move
  10. culpatur- 3rd person singular present passive indicaive of culpare / to blame

Pg 372- #1,2,6

1. Passive voice is like two boxers. The one hitting is active, and the one being hit is passive. It is being related to an action, but the actin is happening to it instead of it performing the action.

2. The ablative of agent is someone doing something, and the ablative of means is what they are using to do it.

bimur- we shall be
bamini- you (all) were being
batur- he/she was being
beris- you shall be
buntur- they shall be
bamur- we were being
bitur- he/she shall be
baris- you were being
bimini- you (all) shall be
bantur- they were being

Translate Odd Sententiae Antiquae

1. Those who were able were able because they could be seen.
3. You consilia he is clear nobility, you terrify knowledge horum countrymen alone.
5. It is right and good doceri.
7. Haec he will not be my life, admit and greet good life which and my life; therefore aut write aut choose; post haec one tempus body he was given.
9. Love misceri which were not able to be terrified.
11. We stayed eum which money was not moved.
13. Honesty was praised- and grew cold.

    Monday, May 10, 2010

    Passive Memorization Check






    Friday, May 7, 2010

    Check 5/7/10

    Parse verbs

    salve- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of salve / to be well
    commisi-2nd person singular present active imperitive of commisere / to commiserate
    navigabat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of navigare / to navigate
    imminent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of imminere / to impend
    vident- 3rd person plural present active indicative of videre / to see
    vident- 3rd person plural present active indicative of videre / to see
    neglegunt-3rd person plural present active indicative of neglagare / to neglect
    dat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of dare / to give
    cito-2nd person singular present active imperitive of cittere / to
    dat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of dare / to give
    coepit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of coepare / to cooperate
    habet-3rd person singular present active indicative of habere / to have
    incipe-2nd person singular present active infinitive of incipere / to
    est- 2nd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
    cito-2nd person singular present active imperitive of cittere / to
    reposcit-3rd person singular present active indicative of reposcere / to demand back
    dedit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of dedere / to
    facit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of facere /
    amat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of amare / to love
    est- 2nd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
    facit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of facere /
    adiuvat-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of audare /to hear
    vincit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of vinere / to
    vincit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of vinere / to
    veritatem- 1st person singular present active indicative of veritere / to live
    valere-2nd person singular present active imperitive of valere / to be strong
    potest- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of posse / to be able
    virtutem-1st person singular present active indicative of virtuare / to live
    viri-2nd person singular present active imperitive of virare / to live
    amavi-2nd person singular perfect active imperitive of amare / to love
    peritt- 3rd person singular present active indicative of perire / to perish
    vita-2nd person singular present active imperitive of vitare / to live
    vive-2nd person singular present active imperitive of vivere / to live
    facere-2nd person singular present active imperitive of facere / to
    possunt- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of posse / to be able

    Relative clauses

    cui filium meum heri commisi
    quo ante dixi
    quae imminent non vident
    quae vident negelgunt
    qui cito dat
    qui coepit
    quod dedit
    quem nimium amat
    quos semper adiuvat
    qui se vencit in victoria
    qua nomen amicitiae valere non potest
    quae cum corpore non peritt
    qui te meliorem facere possunt
    quos tu potes facere meliores

    Cicero translation
    Is it good to be in love? There is less excitment, but less of that is passion. Nothing but the cure for us is good, but not passionate, and not to lack who doesn't desire. Youth often desire, old men often have satisfying love and many pleasures. Think, bring together, often live to bring us together.

    Thursday, May 6, 2010

    Pre-Vocab Check

    1. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
    2. alunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of alare / to
    3. coeperant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of coepare / to cooperate
    4. tenuit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of tenere / to
    5. incipimus- 1st person plural present active indicative of incipare / to be unable
    6. intelligere- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of intelligere / to know
    7. regere-2nd person singular present active infinitive of regere / to rule
    8. debet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of debere / to hold
    9. valere-2nd person singular present active infinitive of valere / to live
    10. possumus- 1st person plural present active indicative of possere / to be able
    11. trahere-2nd person singular present active infinitive of trahere / to drag
    12. viris- 2nd person singular present active indicative of virare / to
    13. timebant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of timere / to meet
    14. exspectabant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of exspectare / to expect
    15. timebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of timere / to meet
    16. neglegebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of neglegere / to neglect
    17. gessit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of gessere / to speak
    18. cucurrit-3rd person singular present active indicative of cucere / to
    19. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
    20. agemus- 1st person plural present active indicative of agere / to

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    Write out the paradigms for the Reflexive Pronoun. Explain what the reflexive pronoun does.

    Reflexive pronouns are used only in the predicate and refer back to the pronoun.


      1st person

      2nd person

      3rd person


















      1st person

      2nd person

      3rd person

















    Monday, May 3, 2010

    Explain the uses of the Ablative on pgs 91 -92; find three examples of each of the two uses in the S.A. on pg 94.

    Ablative Case Uses:

    The ablative was not always used with a preposition in Rome, but translates to a phrase that we would introduce with a preposition in English.

    Ablative of Means or Instrument:

    Answers the question, "by means of what?", "by what?", and "with what?"

    Ablatives of Accompaniment and and Manner

    Answers the question "with whom?" and "how?"

    Write out the paradigms for the relative pronoun and explain what a relative clause does.















    The relative clause describes the antecedent.