Thursday, May 27, 2010

Review Notes 5/27/10

  • Herodotus- Greco-Persian Wars
  • Thucydides- Peloponesian Wars
  • Xenophon- The time of Socrates
  • Aristotle- Encyclopedia
  • Plutarch- Biographies
  • Pausanias- Travel guides
  • Persian Wars take place at the beginning of the 5th century
  • Xerxes starts going up the Western Coast and either killed or recruited the Greek inhabitants
  • Makes his way into Northern Greece
  • Bosphorus-
  • The part of Greece that contains Thessaloniki is Thrace
  • Come down from Thrace-Macedonia-
  • Get stopped at Thermopylae
  • Evacuated Athens in that time
  • Greeks beat the Persians
  • Rebuilt the Acropolis with funding from the League of Athens
  • The wall was constructed of remains of things that had been demolished
  • There is the grove and the theatre of Dionysus
  • Roman theatre put in after the sack of Corinth
  • Temples to Athena Nike
  • Parthenon is a Doric temple
  • It was the center of the city
  • Temple of the Virgin Athena

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