Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday Check

1. Identify and parse 5 verbs in the paragraph on page 121
2. Identify and parse 5 verbs in the Cicero paragraph on page 127
3. Translate Sententiae Antiquae #1-3 on page 120
4. Translate Sententiae Antiquae #1-3 on page 126
5. 4 strong reasons why incoming freshman should take Latin.

timet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of timere / to terrify
timetis- 2nd person plural present active indicative of timere / to terrify
mutantur- 3rd person plural present passive indicative of mutare / to be changed
errat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of errare / to err
servat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of servare / to serve

remanent- 3rd person plural present active indicative of remanere / to remain
videbatur- 3rd person singular imperfect passive indicative of videre / to seem
vocatus est- 3rd person singular perfect passive indicative of vocari / to be called
recitavit- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of recitare / to recite

  1. They are able because they seemed to be able.
  2. Even strong men are often terrified by sudden danger.
  3. Your plans are clear to us, you all will have the knowledge of all these citizens.
  1. What is the nature of the soul? It is mortal.
  2. These arguments were seen grave and certain.
  3. What ought we to do against these men and their crimes.
I think that incoming freshman should definitely have the option of taking Latin. Latin has already helped me with my vocabulary, and I can easily connect my English class's vocab unit and and Latin class's vocab to get a better grade in both. For many people, the unusual range of classes draws them to John Carroll, and the offer of Latin as a foreign language is intriguing. I told many of my shadows to take Latin, and most of them seemed very interested. Although it is a small class, which some my consider a detriment to the program, I consider it a good thing. It allows Mr. Wojo to lead class discussions in which we can take part more easily than we could if it was a big class. One of the most important aspects of Latin for me in the community. There are 5 other people besides me in my Latin class, and they are one of the best things about freshmen year. Anytime I had a problem, I knew that I could go to one of them, and they would help me in anyway they could. Although I agree that academics are a huge part of our everyday classes, knowing that you have people that you can go to is something that every freshmen needs. Without some of my friends in this class, I don't know where my self-confidence would be, but they have helped me become someone totally comfortable in high school. Latin class helped this happen, and I feel that having Latin for 3 years will help me on my way to becoming a journalist, and a better person throughout and after high school.

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