Monday, October 12, 2009

Translation #2

  1. Vita multis puellis fortunam dat. Life gives the girl great fortune.
  2. Vitam meam pecuniatua conservas. You save my money.
  3. Fama est nihil sine fortuna. Fame don't exist without fortune.
  4. Vitam sine pecunia non amatis. You don't love fortune without money.
  5. Sine fama et fortuna patria non valet. Without tradition and fortune a country is not strong.
  6. Iram puellarum laudare non debes. Your resentful money praises not owes.
  7. Vitam sine poenis amamus. We love to live without punishment.
  8. Sine pholosophia non valemus. Without love of wisdom, we are not strong.
  9. Quid est vita sine philosophia? What is life without philosophy?

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