Monday, October 12, 2009


  1. Vale, patria mea. My homeland is strong.
  2. Fortuna puellae est magna. The girl's fortune is great.
  3. Puella fortunam patriae tuae laudat. The girl praises her fortunate homeland.
  4. O puella, patrium tuam serva. O girl, your homeland guards.
  5. Multae puelle pecuniam amant. Girls who love money will be penalized.
  6. Puellae nihil datis. Girls give nothing.
  7. Pecuniam puellae videt. Girls consider money.
  8. Pecuniam puellarum non vides. Girls don't consider their money.
  9. Monere puellas debemus. Girls remind those in debt.

1 comment:

  1. Farewell, my homeland.
    The fortune of the girls is great.
    The girl praises the fortune of your country.
    Oh girl, save your country.
    Many girls love money.
    The girls see money.
    You don't see the girl's money.
    We ought to remind the girls.
