Friday, November 20, 2009

Latin Mandatory?

I do not think that Latin should be a mandatory class. I personally love it, but I think that having people who don't taking it might ruin it. Also, the schedules would be packed, because people might want to take their other languages. Having big classes would also make it much more difficult to understand. I think that it should stay a language class, and you should have th choice to take it.
If there were people taking Latin that didn't enjoy it, it would turn into a terrible class. People not caring about memorization and not caring if they failed would bring down the morale of the class. There would not be an atmosphere of getting things done, which would discourage even the most dedicated student. Having people take it who genuinely want to do well helps people work better and get help from their classmates when the need it, which couldn't happen with people who would rather e anywhere else.
Adding another class to people's schedules would make the school day that much more hectic. I don't have any days where my free mods are 4 or more, so I have no idea how i could add another class to my schedule. I think that it would add much more stress, especially because there is nightly homework. This would make people not try in this class or their others, which could bring down the GPA of many students and hurt the school.
One of the most important reasons to me is the class sizes. If this was a mandatory class, our class would maybe have 20 people in it. Right now, we have 6. We are all getting to be very close, and the Latineers are like one small family. When we have questions about anything, not just Latin, we can go to each other and get help. All of that would go away if Latin was mandatory.
In conclusion, I think that causing Latin to be mandatory would really take away from the class. We should keep it as a language class, so we can keep enjoying our language of choice.

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