Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Notes on Alexander-- 2/3/10

Son of God-
born in Macedonia
claimed that Zeus was his father
conquered most of the world before he was 30
his father created Macedonia, had 7 wives, was a drunk
his mother was smart and beautiful, but was also involved in cults and "slept with snakes"
he took over Persia because of revenge
Persia devastated Greece 150 years before
His father was murdered when Alexander was 19
347- set out on his war on Persia
He never returned to his homeland
He was the first to go ashore to Troy
Waded to shore in full ceremonial armor
Threw the spear ashore to claim the land
He hero-worshiped the heroes that died in the Trojan War
He left behind his weapons, and took the weapons used in the Trojan War
Defeated the Persian's government and opened up the coast
Aristotle was his tutor
Seen as a liberator to many cities
Wanted Apollo's help, so he went to Didi ma
Alexander was very superstitious
Thought he would win because the god's temples were destroyed by the Persians
the oracle said that Alexander would triumph
The Persians controlled the sea
Alexander had 166, Persians had 400
He disbanded his fleet
He couldn't break through the walls and he took serious losses
Mercenary generals were getting worried
Didn't want to give Alexander his dead back
Persians would lead a dawn raid to destroy Alexander's siege equipment
The young Macedonians tried to fight, but the veterans showed them how to do it!
Alexander was short and couldn't swim
"The sea bowed to Alexander"
He didn't always think things through
He was very lucky
He was obstinate--stubborn
Went into Central Turkey
The tale of the Gordian Knot

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