Friday, March 19, 2010

Vocab Chapter 12 Parsing

1. creavit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of creavere / to create
creavit-3rd person singular perfect active indicative of creavere / to create
2. praetulit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of praeferre / to display
Veni- 2nd person singular present active imperative of venire / to come
Vidi- 2nd person singular present active imperative of videre / to see
3. Vici- 2nd person singular present active imperative of vincere / to conquer
4. vixit- 3rd person singular of vivere of / to live
vixit- 3rd person singular of vivere of / to live
5. Vivere- present active infinitive of vivere of / to live
vixit- 3rd person singular of vivere of / to live
6. Vixit- 3rd person singular of vivere of / to live
Fuit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse/ to be
7. dixisti- 2nd person singular perfect active indicative of dicere / to declare
8. fecit- 3rd person present active indicative of fecere / to construct
9. profuderunt- 3rd person plural perfect active indicative of profundere / to pour
10. habuerunt- 3rd person perfect active indicative of habere / to have
dedit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of dare / to give
11. perdidimus-1st person plural perfect active indicative of perdere / meaning to destroy
12. ceciderit-3rd person singular present active indicative of cadere / to fall
Dicere- 2nd person singular present active imperative of dicere / to declare
audebit- 3rd person singular future active indicative of audere / to dare

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