Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pre-Vocab Check

  1. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  2. alunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of alare / to
  3. coeperant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of coepare / to cooperate
  4. tenuit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of tenere / to
  5. incipimus- 1st person plural present active indicative of incipare / to be unable
  6. intelligere- 2nd person singular present active infinitive of intelligere / to know
  7. regere-2nd person singular present active infinitive of regere / to rule
  8. debet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of debere / to hold
  9. valere-2nd person singular present active infinitive of valere / to live
  10. possumus- 1st person plural present active indicative of possere / to be able
  11. trahere-2nd person singular present active infinitive of trahere / to drag
  12. viris- 2nd person singular present active indicative of virare / to
  13. timebant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of timere / to meet
  14. exspectabant-3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of exspectare / to expect
  15. timebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of timere / to meet
  16. neglegebat-3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of neglegere / to neglect
  17. gessit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of gessere / to speak
  18. cucurrit-3rd person singular present active indicative of cucere / to
  19. est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
  20. agemus- 1st person plural present active indicative of agere / to

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