Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sententiae and Paragraph from Chapter 20

  1. Stags' horns protect them from danger.
  2. Oedipus's two eyes have deprived him.
  3. Themistocles absolved slavery in the Persian Greek war.
  4. Demosthenes said many verses in one breath.
  5. Persian equipment was hated.
  6. That community feeling is absent.
  7. Senate we deprive one pleasure neither long or away by your death.
  8. No one accused is absent of blame; all men have sinned.
  9. No one can part life to be free from their obligations.
  10. Strength is first absent of fault.
  11. Men free from crime do not need javelin nor bow.
  12. Great cities in time therefore stir up rebellion.

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