Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Caesar: Gallic Wars: Book 7



I. Roman Occupation (Fight against the Helvetti- fight against Britain)
The first time that the Romans fight the Celts in Britain, they lose
They were led by a queen, Boudicca, who was the first to ever repel Caesar

II. Passiucation

III. Celtic Revolt
This was hard, because the tribes didn't trust each other and some were enemies
Vercingetorix's father was killed because he tried to unite the Celts
Vercingetorix succeeded in bringing them together
1)Avaricum (modern day Bourges, France) was the place where Caesar massacred all inhabitants
The Romans slaughter the entire city, including women and children
2)The Celts take on the Romans in the Battle of Gergovium
The Celts attacked where they had the advantage
Caesar lost the battle and was forced to retreat
Vercingetorix cut off Caesar's supplies
3) The Celts go to Alesia to recoup
Caesar surrounds the city, building fortification structures between him and the city
He then builds another wall to keep reinforcements from getting to him

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