Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Verbs 7.4

obtinuerat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of obtinere / to possess
appetebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of appetere / to strive for
erat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
incendit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of incendere / to burn
concurritur- 3rd person singular present passive indicative of concurrare / to assemble
existimabant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of existimare / to estimate
expellitur- 3rd person singular present passive indicative pf expellare / to expel
habet- 3rd person singular present active indicative of habere / to have
perducit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of perducare / to lead
hortatur - verb 3rd sg pres ind pass meaning to urge
capiant - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to take in hand
expellit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to drive out
appellatur - verb 3rd sg pres subj pass meaning to drive to
obtestatur - verb 3rd sg pres ind pass meaning to protest
maneant - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to stay
attingunt - verb 3rd pl pres ind act meaning to touch
defertur - verb 3rd sg pres ind pass meaning to bring away
imperat - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to command
iubet - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to impose
constituit - verb 3rd sg perf ind act meaning to put
studet - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to give attention
addit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to put to
cogit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to drive together
necat - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to kill
remittit - verb 3rd sg pres ind act meaning to send back
sint - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to be
perterreant - verb 3rd pl pres subj act meaning to frighten 

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