Thursday, April 7, 2011

7.6 Check

His rebus in Italiam Caesari nuntiatis, cum iam ille urbanas res virtute Cn. Pompei commodiorem in statum pervenisse intellegeret, in Transalpinam Galliam profectus est. Eo cum venisset, magna difficultate adficiebatur, qua ratione ad exercitum pervenire posset. Nam si legiones in provinciam arcesseret, se absente in itinere proelio dimicaturas intellegebat; si ipse ad exercitum contenderet, ne eis quidem eo tempore qui quieti viderentur suam salutem recte committi videbat.

intellegeret- 3rd person singular present active indicative of intellegere / to understand
est- 3rd person singular present active indicative of esse / to be
venisset- 3rd person singular present active indicative of venire / to come
pervenire- present active infinitive of pervenire / to arrive
posset- 3rd person singular present active indicative of posse / to be able
arcesseret- 3rd person singular present active indicative of arcessare / to call
intellegebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of intellegere / to understand
contenderat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of contenere / to reach
viderentur- 2nd person singular present active indicative of videre / to see
videbat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of videre / to see

urbs, urbanis- city
exercita, exercitam- army
legiona, legionam- legions
provincia, proviniam- province
itinera, itineram- journey

These things being announced to Caesar in Italy, when now he understood that affairs in Rome had been reduced to a more upright state by the efforts of Pompey, he set out for Transalpine Gaul.  After he arrived there, he was at a great loss to ascertain what means he would be able to reach his army.  If he were to summon the legions to the province, then he understood that they would fight without him along their journey, but if he tried to reach the army himself, he would be trusting his safety to those who only seemed to be with him.


  1. intelleg.eret V 3 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 3
    ven.isset V 4 1 PLUP ACTIVE SUB 3 V 5 2 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 3
    arcess.eret V 3 1 IMPF ACTIVE SUB 3
    contend.erat V 3 1 PLUP ACTIVE IND 3
    viderentur- passive
    4/10 verbs
    5/5 nouns

  2. Nice job on the definitions of the nouns, but your genitive forms are incorrect; go back and review paradigms.

    Use "once" instead of "when" in the first sentence. "By what means" in the second -- means goes in ablative construction ("by/to/from").

    Very nice job rendering the end of the piece.
