Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vocab List 4 Check

  1. agnosco- to recognize
  2. ceno- to dine
  3. devaro- to devour
  4. esurio- to be hungry
  5. eo- to go
  6. intro- to enter
  7. narro- to tell
  8. praecipito- to hurl!
  9. pernocto- to spend the night
  10. verto- to turn
  11. animus- soul
  12. caelum- sky
  13. cauda- tail
  14. caupona- inn
  15. homo- man
  16. lectus- bed
  17. manus- hand
  18. pila- ball
  19. brevis- short
  20. fortis- strong
  21. hic- this
  22. medius- middle
  23. nonus- ninth
  24. omnes- everything
  25. periculosis- dangerous
By Hercules!