Monday, May 16, 2011

Massive Check

  1. medius= middle
  2. nomen= name
  3. sedere= to stay
  4. ante= before
  5. cognoscere= to find out
  6. servus= to save
  7. adiuvare= to hear
  8. nos= our
  9. imperare= to command (HARRY POTTER!)
  10. quoque= because of
  11. aqua= water
  12. femina= woman
  13. contra= block
  14. legere= to march
  15. satis= enough
  16. pessimus= sad
  17. pauper= poor man
  18. flumen- river
  19. habitrare= to inhabit
  20. proximus= close
  21. propter= because of
  22. frater= brother
  23. tantus= temptation
  24. pauci= we
  25. redire= to get rid of
  26. navigare= to navigate
  27. iter= where
  28. proficisci= because
  29. emere=
  30. villa= house
  31. optimus= greatest
  32. rex= king
  33. parare= 
  34. minor= small
  35. quinque= what
  36. rogare= to run
  37. qui, quae, quod= what, where, what
  38. talis= keepsake
  39. tot= whichever
  40. videre= to see
  41. traus= three
  42. nolle= night
  43. dea= goddess
  44. plus= more
  45. noster= our
  46. num= with
  47. ambulare= to walk
  48. in+accusative= with
  49. uxor= wife
  50. semper= always
  51. ut+subjunctive= without
  52. miser= money
  53. nunc= with
  54. ille, illa, illud= with, which, with
  55. iacere= to throw
  56. ego= I
  57. tertius= third
  58. ire= anger
  59. aut= out
  60. septem= seven
  61. abesse= to be absent
  62. cur= with
  63. ducere= to duel
  64. circum= circle
  65. quintus= five
  66. venire= to come
  67. de= above
  68. senex= old man
  69. constituere= to decide
  70. clamare= to shout
  71. audax= to hear
  72. hieri= without
  73. prope= teacher
  74. cum+preposition= without
  75. narrare= to tell
  76. accipere= to accept
  77. acer= land
  78. navis= young
  79. que= in
  80. nemo= name
  81. summus= high
  82. mare= sea
  83. credere= to trust
  84. ponere= to follow
  85. octavus= eight
  86. longus= long
  87. malle= to kill
  88. sperare= to hope
  89. sex= six
  90. minimus= smallest
  91. caput= to throw
  92. mons= mountain
  93. esse= to be
  94. opus= work
  95. vivere= to live
  96. qualis= where?
  97. laudare= to praise
  98. dives= to divide
  99. nox= night
  100. annus= year
  101. post= after
  102. vester= evening prayers
  103. equus= horse
  104. cras= tomorrow
  105. diu= god
  106. nihil= not
  107. mox= cold
  108. res= thing
  109. solere= to go around
  110. ibi= that
  111. iterum= journey
  112. bene= good
  113. meus= mine

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