Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Practice Test

  1. mensa= table
  2. mater= mother
  3. audire= to hear
  4. res= thing
  5. si= if
  6. octavus= eighth
  7. ego= I
  8. frustra= in vain
  9. subito= suddenly
  10. mane= in the morning
  11. pater= father
  12. flumen= river
  13. plurimus= most
  14. etiam= still
  15. regere= to rule
  16. scire= to know
  17. decem= ten
  18. olim= one day
  19. ibi= there
  20. iacere= to lie down
  21. diu= for a long time
  22. iuvenis= young man
  23. summus= highest
  24. amicus= friend
  25. septem= seven
  26. vendere= to sell
  27. narrare= to tell
  28. putare= to think
  29. pauper= poor 
  30. propter=
  31. cognoscere= to find out
  32. duo= two
  33. monere= to warn
  34. quattor= four
  35. circum= around
  36. maior=big
  37. conspicere= to notice
  38. deinde= then
  39. regere= to rule
  40. cras= tomorrow
  41. tertius= third
  42. equus= horse
  43. unus= one
  44. senex= old
  45. vereri= to fear

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