Wednesday, June 1, 2011



  • 1st Conjugation- amo/ I love, amare/ to love, amavi/ I have loved, amatus/ loved
  • 2nd Conjugation- sedeo/ I sit, sedere/ to sit, sedi/ I have sat, sessurus/ sitting (long)
  • 3rd Conjugation- curro/ I run, currere/ to run, cucurri/ I have run, cursurus/ running (short)
  • 4th Conjugation- audio/ I hear, audire/ to hear, audi/ I have heard, auditus/ hearing
The third conjugation is the most popular conjugation.  
If the the first principal part ends in -eo, it is second conjugation.  If it ends in -o, it is third.

Notes on Conjugations
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessurus
arcesseo, arcessere, arcesi, arcessus
puto, putare, putavi, putatus
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus
accipio, accipere, accipi, accipitus
persuadeo, persuadere, persuadii, persuaditus
sto, stare, stavi, status
debeo, debere, debi, debitus
possum, posse, potui, poturus
perio, perire, pedi, peditus

Battle of Alesia (Jelly Donut Siege)
  • Circumvallation on the inside, contravallation on the outside
  • Siege warfare- surround the town and starve them out
  • The Romans were greatly outnumbered
  • 1st Declension
    • All feminine nouns, except those denoting profession (sailor, farmer)
  • 2nd Declension
    • Masculine and neuter
      • Masculine end in -us or -r
      • Neuter ends in -um
  • 3rd Declension
    • Always ends in -is

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