Monday, December 14, 2009

Famous Woman #9

Antigone was a princess. She should have had a great life, but unfortunately, that life was not what not in the cards for her. Her mother committed suicide, and her father gouged his own eyes out. Antigone traveled with her father, and became his eyes. When her father died, Antigone's uncle, Creon, became their guardian. Her brothers started fighting over the kingdom when they were growing up, and eventually killed each other. Creon now ruled, and he wanted to leave Antigone's brother's body out to rot. He also ordered that whoever tried to bury it would be killed. Antigone, who is in love with her cousin (Creon's son), decides to go bury her brother. She buries him, but a guard sees her and reports her to Creon. Antigone is sentenced to death by stoning, and before that can happen, she kills herself. Her cousin that she is betrothed to sees her dead, and kills himself. Then Creon's wife, when finding out her son is dead, kills herself.

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