Saturday, April 24, 2010

Medusa and Athena in Nature

There were once three beautiful girls, the ones we now call the Gorgons. In fact, they were some of the most beautiful girls of their time.

The most beautiful of them was named Medusa. Unfortunately, she knew that she was very beautiful, so she was also very vain.

One day, the three sister decided to visit the city. They went into Athena's temple, which was very beautiful. However, Medusa spent the entire time saying that she should have a temple built to her, because she was more beautiful than Athena.

When people heard her insulting the goddess, they fled the temple. However, Athena was too busy looking at her reflection to realize that the place was deserted. Athena, hearing these comments, came down to the temple and saw the girl that was so vain. She was extremely angry, and decided to punish Medusa and her sisters.

They were all turned into the ugliest creatures you would ever see, with snakes for hair and eyes that would turn you to stone.

But the ugliest was Medusa. She was the most hideous of them all, and she taught everyone a simple lesson... DON'T insult a goddess.

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