Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parsing Check!!!!!!!!

vivebant- 3rd person plural imperfect active indicative of vivere / to live
mittebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of mittere / to stay
timuerunt- 3rd person plural present active indicative of timere / to
iunxit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of jungare / to join together
exspectabam- 1st person singular imperfect active indicative of exspectare / to expect
currebat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of currare / to heal
mutavit- 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of mutare / to change
commiserunt- 3rdperson plural present active indicative of commiserare / to commiserate
iungere- 2nd person infinitive of iungere / to join together
appellabat- 3rd person singular imperfect active indicative of appellare / to teach

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