Thursday, September 24, 2009

Artemis: Short Story

Today was the day. I had reached the road leading to the forest two days ago, and being faster then the average mortal, I traveled about one hundred miles in those two days. Normally I would have my huntresses with me, but for this prize, I was going alone. Nearing the forest, I could feel the pebbles that I was skimming over turn into smooth, green moss. The campfire-scorched grass was growing higher, intertwining with the vines hanging of the trees. Then I heard it. The stag. That little brat Actaeon had gotten away from me once, it wasn't going to happen again. Yes, I made what happened when he saw me bathing look like I had killed him, but it had been one elaborate hoax, and a little bit of intimidation that had pushed the story through. Now I was as silent as, well, a goddess, stalking through the woods toward him. I nocked an arrow with nothing more than a click, but I saw him tense. I drew a small breath, and he ran. Perfect. I leaped up, and with one pounce, had the stag against a tree. I contemplated turning him back into a man, but decided to let him stay the stag for his demise.

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