Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What? Difference in Birth Between Aphrodite (Greek) and Venus (Roman)

Aphrodite and Venus were the goddesses of love on two different cultures. Their birth is an important part of their legend. Aphrodite was born of the blood of Ouranus, when it was thrown into the sea. She emerged, in a man's eyes, perfect and beautiful.
Venus' birth was very similiar, but more romanticized. Botecelli's painting, "Birth of Venus", is a very famous painting depicting Venus as a naked, full-grown woman, coming out of the ocean in a giant clam shell, relating her to a pearl. This a great beginning to the story of the goddesses of love.


1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. I love the comparison between them and to the pearl. You were able to engulf an interesting fact, picture, and a little history in it, without rambling and rambling. Good Job
