Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where- 4 Stories of Migration

Our names are Aeliana, Antonia, Caecilia, and Floriana. We have grown up in the same village, our families having moved here many generations ago. We just found out that we are migrating to a new place. The tragic part… our village is not moving together. We are going to be split up. As this will probably be the last time we see each other, we are promising to keep our stories alive in hopes that someday, later generations of our families will meet and share our experiences. We are 14 at this time.

We have arrived in Italy. The water surrounding us is beautiful, I cannot imagine how the boats move so swiftly. The local people have been calling the dark water something odd though. It sounds like mer-kay. I don't know what it means, but I suppose I'll find out.

Although it is not as far as some went, Iran seems like a world away from home. I have been bought new clothes, which the woman at the market called a "sorry". It is very light, and beautiful. However, my blond hair is no longer something to be proud of. I must cover with a cloth whenever I am around a man, even my father! The customs are so different here, it was comforting when Mama made my favorite soup. We got all the herbs we could, but still, I feel it will never be the same.

We have finally arrived in Iceland. It is so cold here! People are so hidden by fur and coats, you cannot tell whether they are men or women! I never knew that snow could be so different; icy, slushy, packing… the list keeps going. I had a new type of fish tonight, baked in my mother's sauce. It is my favorite thing about this place so far!

We are in England. I feel so at home! We live in a small apartment in the midst of the city. Mam has already started making more blankets, like the ones that she made for my brothers and myself, and the neighbors are asking her to teach them how to make them as well. Everybody always has the latest clothing, and I have learned how I must act in public to be polite. What the locals say and how they act, it's incredible!

5 years later-

I am bringing in my catch with Fabio again. And a surprise, he named his new vessel after me. Yes, my engagement present was a brand new boat so that we could catch enough fish to by a house on the water. It even has two little rooms down below! We had a good, stiff breeze behind our sails today, and we are selling those delicious fish in the market today. Couldn't tell you who eats the "delicacies" that we catch, but they sell for more apiece than a fish three times bigger!

Mama sent me to market today for some food for the wedding. I was only supposed to order the food and go home, but I dawdled by the fabric. There was the most beautiful, shimmer fabric in one of the tents. Even though I have not worn my hair without a veil in several years, I knew that it would compliment my golden strands perfectly. I knew that Beruj would not approve, and not many Iranian men would take an outsider as his wife. When I got home, Mama had a surprise for me. A wedding dress. It was every color ranging from pale pink to a deep red. Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw the sash made of the same material as the one I was admiring in the market. I knew that it would make Beruj the happiest man alive.

The coldest part of winter has passed. Now, most mornings, Ari and I wake up to a light drizzle. We put our shoes on, and go out and feed the chickens. I love our new home in town. Running a tavern has been my dream come true. Of course, we don't let riffraff in. We restrict your ale if you get too drunk, because we run an upstanding business, thank you very much. Ari is so strong, he punched a man and threw him out for mouthing off to me! Life has been good.


Pierre and I got in so late last night, Mam almost had a fit! Although I have explained to her at least a thousand times that Pierre will go back to France soon, and we must spend as much time together as possible, she does not believe that we are in love. He took me out to a play last night, and then we took a walk. He has explained that he intends to marry me, as soon as he asks my Papa for permission. But Papa has been gone, fighting, for over 3 years. I suppose that if it is meant to be it will happen. But to speed up the official proposal, tonight I shall wear my new gown. I shall rival royalty!

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