Saturday, January 30, 2010

Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was truly the greatest conqueror of all time. By the time he was 25, he had The king/leader/conqueror of Macedonia, Greece, Asia Minor, and Egypt. These victories were not won by armies, while he sat on a throne. He commanded his armies and was the battlefield in most of his major battles. When he was young, he was educated by Aristotle. he inherited the kingdom of Macedonia, and was not defeated while gaining the rest. He lead his army over 11,000 miles, and defeated and founded over 70 cities (including one named after his horse, Bucephalas). These spanned over 3 continents. He was an incredibly diplomatic man, and encouraged the continuation of local culture in places that he conquered. He even went as far as to change his lifestyle so he could better relate to the people around the world that he ruled. He fought for about 13 years straight, and his soldiers followed him all but one time. This proves what a good leader he was, if his soldiers are that loyal. He is a truly extraordinary man and ruler.

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