Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Two Ancient Roman Events

The Burning of Rome-
The burning of Rome was one of the most tragic events in the history of Christianity. The true story is this: in the merchant area of Rome, a fire started. This wouldn't have been a huge problem in modern times, but all of the buildings were made out of wood at that point in time. This made the fire spread, burning down 70% of Rome in 7 days. Nero, the current emperor, was in the middle of a rumor. The rumor was that he had started that fire and then run away to watch the city burn. This is obviously totally ridiculous, but in order to draw the attention away from himself, he made the Romans believe that the Christians were at fault for starting the fire. He then fed every single Christian he could lay his hands on to lions in front of the rest of Rome.

The Destruction of Pompeii-
August 24th, 79-- the day the gods took revenge on Pompeii. Mt. Vesuvius blew up onto Pompeii, essentially destroying the city and almost all inhabitants. in the 1800's, archeologists found the 'Lost City of Pompeii' and let an 18 year search for remains. There were originally over 5000 people in the city. There have been over 300 bodies found. As said today in Western Civ, each person found is a story. Pompeii has been found, but those people were lost.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a good job with this its nice and long and thorough :) i like how descriptive it is.
