Thursday, January 28, 2010


Mohenjo-Daro was an ancient civilization based around the Indus River. It was located in modern day Pakistan, and was one of the most technologically advanced civilizations of all time. In 3000 BC, they had already invented a sewer system as a way to get waste out of the city and flushable toilets. This is an amazing feat on its own, not to mention the time period. They had the stability to experiment and invent these incredible technologies because they had trading opportunities from all over the world. This is proven by small stones stamped in their language, found in Greece. This is remarkable because of the fact that Greece was across one of the harshest place on Earth, the Iranian Plato. The land was extremely barren, and the water had a high saltwater concentration. At one point in the 2nd millennium, Mohenjo-Daro vanished off the face of the Earth. After a certain point, there was nothing rebuilt in the cities, and no archeological remains. Some of the theories of why this nation disappeared are earthquakes, sickness, spread of disease, and breakdown of trade. They go to show... don't think your on top of the world, or you'll be knocked off of the world.

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