Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parsed Verbs

Facis- 2nd person singular present active indicative of facere / to build

Cogitas-2nd person singular present active indicative of cogitare / to think

Sentimus- 1st person plural present active indicative of sentire / to feel

Intellegit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of intelligere / to understand

Videt- 3rd person singular present active indicative of videre / to see

Vivit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of vivere / to live

Vivit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of vivere / to live

Venit- 3rd person singular present active indicative of venire / to be sold

Agere- present active infinitive of agere / to do

Audet- 3rd person plural present active indicative of audere / to hear

Designat- 3rd person singular present active indicative of designare / to mark

Facimus- 1st person plural present active indicative of facere / to build

Ducere- present active infinitive of ducere / to command

Debent- 3rd peson plural present active indicative of debere / to owe

Habemus- 1st person plural present active indicative of habere / to have

Agere- present active infinitive of agere / to do

Debemus- 1st person plural present active indicative of debere / to owe

Agimus- 1st person plural present active indicative of agere / to urge

Aperte- present active infinitive of aperte / to open

Dico- 2nd person plural present active imperative of dicare / to dedicate

Erramus- 1st person plural present active indicative of errare / to err

Remanere- present active infinitive of remenare / to remain

Potes- 2nd person singular present active indicative of possere / to be able

Tolerabo- 1st person singular future active indicative of tolerare / to tolerate

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