Thursday, September 16, 2010


[1] Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit. Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important, proximique sunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. Qua de causa Helvetii quoque reliquos Gallos virtute praecedunt, quod fere cotidianis proeliis cum Germanis contendunt, cum aut suis finibus eos prohibent aut ipsi in eorum finibus bellum gerunt. Eorum una, pars, quam Gallos obtinere dictum est, initium capit a flumine Rhodano, continetur Garumna flumine, Oceano, finibus Belgarum, attingit etiam ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum, vergit ad septentriones. Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur, pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et orientem solem. Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet; spectat inter occasum solis et septentriones.
[2] Apud Helvetios longe nobilissimus fuit et ditissimus Orgetorix. Is M. Messala, [et P.] M. Pisone consulibus regni cupiditate inductus coniurationem nobilitatis fecit et civitati persuasit ut de finibus suis cum omnibus copiis exirent: perfacile esse, cum virtute omnibus praestarent, totius Galliae imperio potiri. Id hoc facilius iis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur: una ex parte flumine Rheno latissimo atque altissimo, qui agrum Helvetium a Germanis dividit; altera ex parte monte Iura altissimo, qui est inter Sequanos et Helvetios; tertia lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano, qui provinciam nostram ab Helvetiis dividit. His rebus fiebat ut et minus late vagarentur et minus facile finitimis bellum inferre possent; qua ex parte homines bellandi cupidi magno dolore adficiebantur. Pro multitudine autem hominum et pro gloria belli atque fortitudinis angustos se fines habere arbitrabantur, qui in longitudinem milia passuum CCXL, in latitudinem CLXXX patebant.
All of Gaul is divided into three parts, the first of which is Belgae, the second Aquitani, who in their own language are called the Celts, who are the farthest from Gaul.  In their language, institutions, and laws, they are different.  Gaul and the Aquitani are divided from the Belgae and the Sequana by the Garumna river.  The bravest of all are the Belgae, because they live the farthest from the province, and never buy things from merchants that emasculate the soul, they are close to the Germanis, who are across the Rhenum river, who they do battle with on an almost daily basis.  The Helvetti, who are men from Gaul, who fight with the Germanis, try to end this battle but continue fighting on an almost daily basis.  The first, second, and third part of Gaul were to push on, they held the Rhodano river, and also held the Garumna river, Ocean, peice of land Belgarum, and split it all up between the Sequanis and the Helvettis down the Rhenum river.  The Belgae and faraway Gaul finished their battle, each took a side of the Rheni river, facing toward the east where the sun rises.  The Aquitani were separated from Hispania by the Garumna river, the Pyarranes Mountains, part of the Ocean, but the sun rises in the east.

Orgetorix was the bravets and wealthiest man by far in the Helvetti.  In the time when Messala and Pisone were consuls, Orgetorix desired more power, 

1 comment:

  1. est- Gaul is +5
    incolunt- +0
    appelantur- +0
    differunt- they are different +5
    dividit- are divided +3
