Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paragraph 3

Persuaded by these reasons, and persuaded by the rule of Orgetorix, they decided to provide things such as were needed for their journey, to buy a big number as possible of beasts of burden and wagons, to make their plantings as big as possible, so that they would have lots of corn on their march to store - and to make peace and friendship with the neighboring states. They figured that a time of two years would be long enough for them to go through their plans; they made an announcement they were leaving in the third year. Orgetorix is chosen to finish the plans. He he made himself an ambassador for his state: on his journey he persuades Casticus, son of Catamantaledes (one of the Sequani, whose father had owned the crown of the people for many years, and were called a friend by the government), to gain control of his state, which his father had been before him, and he also convinced Dumnorix, an Aeduan, the brother of Divitiacus, who currently was the authority of the state, and was loved by a lot of the people, to try the same, and gives his daughter in marriage.  He shows them that tit is easy to accomplish things when they attempt them, because he would the government of his state; the Helvetti were no doubt the strongest in Gaul; he said that he would use his army and power to get them the crown. Excited by this speech, they pledge and give an oath to each other and him, and hope that,when they have the crown, they will, because of the three bravest and powerful nations, be able to seize all of Gaul.

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