Monday, September 13, 2010

Notes 9/13/10

XYX= parallelism

good= positive
better= comprative
best= superlative

ix= the Gallic ending of a man's name

fecit= 3rd person singular present active indicative of facere / to build
persuasit= 3rd person singular perfect active indicative of persuadere / to persuade
exirent= 3rd person plural present active indicative of exire / to go
esse= present active infinitive of esse / to be
praestarent= 3rd person plural present active indicative of praestare / to surpass
potiri= present passive infinitive of potiri / to be obtained
continentur= 3rd person present passive indicative of continere / to be secured
dividit= 3rd

habere- present infinitive of habere / to have

arbitrabantur- 3rd person plural imperfect passive indicative of  arbitrare / to be judged

Among the Helvetti, Orgetorix was by far the most noble and wealthiest.   When Messala and Pisone were consuls

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